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(2022 International Green Party)

日期: 2022/10/8-9
October 8-9, 2022

主辦單位: 臺灣創意經濟產業發展協進會

Taiwan Creative Economy Association

執行單位: 威立顧問股份有限公司
Willy Event Consultants Co, LTD PCO

地點: 臺北花博公園圓山園區 - 花海廣場 & 流行館

Taipei Expo Park - Flower Sea Plaza & EcoARK


「2022 Green Party 國際健康綠色饗宴」以產地到餐桌、無、少添加飲食、綠色減碳輕食、環境保護、健康促進、運動營養為主軸,舉辦了一系列的精采活動,包含:國際健康綠色論壇、健康綠色環保料理決賽及綠色饗宴市集。希望能讓民眾再次一邊聆聽兩天的精彩演講一邊享用特色健康美食,期以 “寓教於樂學習如何吃得安心又健康”,的精采節目規劃,讓現場所有嘉賓彼此積極的互動交流。

As nowadays health promotion and sustainability for the environment are highly aware as major topics, we concern food safety and health, specifically its carbon footprint. In response to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations (UN), we organize 2022 International Green Party to share important insights of “Green” which are: “From Farm to Table”, “Anti-Addictive Dietary”, “Light Food under Carbon Reduction”, “Environmental Protection” and “Sports Nutrition” to our citizens.