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第九屆國際水協會亞太地區會議及展覽會 專家學者齊聚高雄 聚焦智慧水城市
The 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition: Experts and Scholars Gather in Kaohsiung to Focus on One Water for Smart Cities


日期: 2023/10/22~10/26
October 22th , 2023 ~ October 26th , 2023
主辦單位: 中華民國自來水協會
Chinese Taipei Water Works Association
合辦單位: 國立成功大學
National Cheng Kung University
執行單位: 威立顧問股份有限公司
Willy Event Consultants Co, LTD PCO
地點: 高雄萬豪酒店
Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel

「第九屆國際水協會亞太地區會議及展覽會(The 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition」於2023年10月22日至10月26日於高雄市萬豪酒店舉辦,經濟部長王美花及高雄市長陳其邁均受邀23日的開幕儀式,並出席與會以英文致詞。本次會議主題為「智慧水城市 One Water for Smart Cities」,會議將以多元學術與實務並重,規劃一系列氣候變遷、水事業的能源與溫室氣體排放、新興污染物、水回收與利用、法規與管理等討論,並有多位海內外專家學者共襄勝舉,集思廣益共求城市新發展。

"The 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition will be held at the Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel from October 22nd to October 26th, 2023. The Minister of Economic Affairs, Ms. Wang Meihua, and the Mayor of Kaohsiung, Mr. Chen Chi-Mai, have been invited to the Opening Ceremony on October 23rd and will attend the conference to deliver speeches in English. The theme of the conference is "One Water for Smart Cities", and the conference will emphasize both academic and practical aspects, planning a series of discussions on climate change, energy and GHG emissions from water, emerging pollutants, water recycling and utilization, regulations, and management, etc. There will be a number of experts and scholars from home and abroad to participate in the event, and to seek for the new development of the city with their collective wisdom.